Java Programming Tutorials

  1. How to Compile and Run Java Program in Linux
  2. Understanding The Difference Between JDK, JRE, JVM, and JIT
  3. Java Primitive Data Types
  4. Literals in Java
  5. Variables and Fields in Java
  6. Java Operators: Precedence and Associativity
  7. Java Arithmetic Operators
  8. Java Increment Decrement Operators
  9. Java Bitwise Operators
  10. Java Relational Operators
  11. Java Logical Operators
  12. Java Assignment Operators
  13. Java Miscellaneous Operators
  14. Java Control Flow Statements: IF-Else
  15. Java Control Flow Statements: Switch Case Default and Break
  16. Java Iterative Statements: do, while and for Loops
  17. Method Overloading In Java
  18. Types of Comments in Java - Single Line, Multi-line and Javadoc
  19. Java Arrays - Declare, Initialize, and Use
  20. Java Array Cloning, Shallow and Deep Copy
  21. Java Classes and Objects - Declaration, Constructors, Accessors, and Mutators
  22. Java Static Keyword - Static Data Members, Fields, Variables. Static Methods and Blocks
  23. Java Method Parameters - Call by Value and Call by Reference
  24. Java Nested Classes - Use and Types of Nested Classes
  25. Java Static Nested Classes
  26. Java Nested or Inner Interfaces
  27. Java Inner Classes or Non-static Nested Classes
  28. Java Local Inner Classes or Method Local Inner Classes
  29. Java Anonymous Inner Classes
  30. Java Input Output - BufferedReader Class

Advanced Java Tutorials

  1. JDBC Connection to MySQL Database in Java
  2. Creating and Using Custom Java Annotations
  3. Introduction to Java Multi-threading and Concurrency
  4. Introduction to Design Patterns in Java
  5. Factory Method Design Pattern in Java

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is the founder and main contributor for He is a software professional (post graduated from BITS-Pilani) and loves writing technical articles on programming and data structures.